

  1. -1 apple

  2. -1/4 beet

  3. -thin slice of lemon

  4. -slice of gulangai (the recipe calls for ginger but I have found ginger raises blood pressure.  Try a similar root called gulangai).


2 apples

1/2 lemon

juice and served over crushed ice for lemonade


Juice the apple, 1/4 of a beet and a thin slice of lemon. Add gulangai (Thai ginger) if you wish. This is a variation of a recipe from Chef Juliano from his book RAW. He has a website and raw food restaurant in Santa Monica, California



Juice 2 apples and a 1/2 a lemon. Pour over crushed ice.

Pineapple Juice

1/4 of a sweet pineapple with the juice from one lime. High in bromelain and helps to decrease joint and muscle aches as well aides in the digestion of proteins.


Juice 2 cucumbers to keep you refreshed on a hot summer’s day.

Melon Juice

Juice either watermelon or honeydew both make refreshing drinks and both are very alkaline and help ailing kidneys.

Red Roxie

4 Fuji or gala apples skin on, cored and cut into eighths. (avoid the seeds as they contain strychnine) 

2 small red beets scrubbed, peeled and chopped

1/8 inch small tiny round fresh galangai or fresh turmeric

3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice

Put the apples, beets, and turmeric through a juicer, then squeeze in the lemon juice.

Spinach Apple Juice

2 sweet apples and a handful of raw spinach leaves

Juice together. I use this if I have indulged in some foods that are less than healthy for me. Stick close to a bathroom. This cleans one out.

Cabbage Almond Apple Juice

Juice one apple. Put this juice aside. Then juice a quarter of a cabbage sliced so it will fit through the juicer. Throw in about 7 almonds. Drink the cabbage juice followed by the apple juice chaser. This will keep your hair its natural color, protect your DNA; increase metabolism of estrogen like molecules through the liver and aide the liver in becoming healthy.

Orange Juice

One of the most delicious varieties of orange juice I have had is the red valencia orange. It has a very short growing season, lasting only about a month. Slice the orange in two and twirl the orange against a cone to obtain the juice.


A Raw Vegan Food