PKD PLD Articles   Exercise

Exercise Improves Survival in Chronic Kidney Disease 
Even a short term workout can extend life expectancy a 2011 study reported. Working out for just 15 minutes per day may add about three years to your life, researchers said. Eating leucine rich foods helps increase muscle mass which diminishes with age. Results support the safety of exercise in the PKD model.

Here are a few exercises helpful to relieve symptoms from cystic organ disease.

Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose)
viparita karani legs up the wall pose PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises                                                                              viparita karani legs up the wall pose PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises                                                                                                     viparita karani legs up the wall pose PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises
Place your buttocks against the wall. Lay down on your back and flip your legs upwards so you are supported by the wall, an L position, with your head resting on the ground and the feet up in the air. Enjoy being supported by the wall for several moments. Ahhhah. . .

Eka Pada Supta Virasana (One Leg Reclining Hero Pose)

Eka Pada Supta Virasana PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises             I had mentioned to my yoga instructor that I have polycystic liver and polycystic kidney disease. The above is a position she showed to help me aide digestion when food has nowhere to go within a belly that is attempting to expand but in reality is diminishing from the ever expanding growing pressure of cystic organs pressing against the tummy.  

Two modifications of Eka Pada Virasana. This is a half Virasana.  Eka Pada Supta Virasana PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises And here is a full Virasana.  

Jathara Parivartanasana [ Reclined Twist  
 Jathara Parivastanasana Reclined Twist PLD polycystic liver disease pkd polycystic kidney disease exercises

A great, relaxing twist which helps to release tension from the lower back. Can be done with the knees straight or bent. Hug the knees towards you and bring them slowly over to the right. Arms out from the shoulders - wide.

Blood Pressure Regulator
If you have low back difficulties, careful with this one. Stand facing a wall and place your outstretched arms with fingers spread wide so the hands are at shoulder height, then walk your feet backwards so your back becomes flat like a table top. Hold this position comfortably for 6 full complete breaths, in through the nose and exhale through the nose. Then gently, walk your feet forward and slowly bring your hands down and the last to come down is your head. All done very slowly. This position puts the heart below the spinal cord so it sort of hangs relieving pressure against the heart and helping to keep the blood pressure regulated.

Pain Relief [from Meg's Story]
Lie on your left side. If possible, put a pillow under your left ribs. Reach your right arm up over your head and extend. Bend your left knee, and extend your right leg straight down. You can lie like this for up to a half hour several times a day. This position allows the maximum expansion of the rib cage.

Take deep breaths (as much as you can) and relax into this position. It is helping me a lot.
PS. Last night I had my husband pull gently on my right arm while I was doing this stretch. Awesome!! Caution: Do only what your body can tolerate. polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver diseasecontact us
last updated: Monday, August 22, 2011 7:08 AM