1. Cranberry - In November fresh cranberries abound. I juice these fresh plump berries and mix two tablespoons of juice with two tablespoons of mineral or spring water.
Ammonia - A high output by the body's buffers of ammonia is seen when the internal body becomes too acidic. This can occur from either the ingestion of large amounts of protein or when the liver, kidneys, and pancreas slow down in their functions or it can be as a result of both processes occurring simultaneously. The daily addition of cranberry juice converts ammonia to ammonium. Cranberry and blueberry juices equally helps to heal kidneys, prevent kidney scarring, infections, and as a bonus softens the skin much more than a luxurious cream. Its main role of converting ammonia rids the body of a toxin that helps to clear the mind. Ammonia becomes very high in alcoholics with delirium tremors. High ammonia is what causes the brain to hear and see things which are apparently not there. High ammonia may eventually result in coma. It may contribute to high blood urea nitrogen.
Lithium - Is a mineral and the one medication which can precipitate kidney disease in healthy individuals.
2. Cabbage with almonds - A highly alkaline juice that I try to drink daily. Careful if you have thyroid troubles. For a recipe for cabbage juice click here.With the alkaline diet there is a chemical process underway on the cellular level. When I am fearful or angry I will test acid. When I am relaxed, happy, mellow, calm, I test alkaline. Many have reported that once they test alkaline they feel much much better. Cabbage juice is the vegetable highest in boron. By drinking this daily I am assured of getting sufficient boron which is paramount to bone strength. Increasing the amount of my daily cabbage juice, returns gray hair to its natural color. One study found that by giving supplemental boron this aided bone strength. It was difficult to give boron supplements for it was easy to give too much. By eating cabbage the body takes only what it needs.
3. Apple juice freshly pressed is something I make to sweeten the flavor of the cabbage juice. This juice is also very alkaline.
4.Carrot beet juice tastes nice as does apple beet. Careful with raw beets; some find this difficult to digest.
5. Celery juice is highly alkaline only if you can find organic. Celery concentrates pesticides in its stalk contributing to cyst expansion.
6. Grape juice is something I take in the evening with one ounce of mineral water along with a half a tablet of magnesium to give a good night's sleep, especially when I experience jet lag. Lemon juice I have daily sometimes juicing 2 lemons three times a day if I am feeling poorly.
Tupelo honey if I need a sweetener
7. Solé - 1 drop in mineral or spring water daily



1. Saffron tea - place a 1/4 teaspoon of saffron in a cup of water; simmer until a half a cup of saffron tea remains. Strain and allow it to cool; sip it along to relieve liver pain.
2. Milk thistle - plus contains organic milk thistle artichoke turmeric. This relieves liver pain.
3. Parsley chew a few sprigs on a morning walk to lower blood pressure.
4. Garlic - to lower blood pressure and maintain bacterial flora in balance.
5. Thyme - tea helps the liver and pancreas and maintains a balance of bacterial overgrowth.
6. Useful for the liver - For a more complete list.
7. Herbs - try the herb page
8. Chamomile tea - calming, diminishes pain, lowers inflammation surrounding the kidney.


1. Potassium Citrate - is a potent alkalizer and the one factor that kept the little PKD animals living a long life with healthy cystic kidneys. If I need to supplement with potassium citrate, I take this in the morning, with food. An herbal form of potassium I have used in the past is non-alcoholic nettle extract.
2. Hemp Seed Oil - I use hemp seed oil caps for my daily intake of EFA essential fatty acids, omega 3's. For more information read here.
3. Magnesium - Occasionally a half a tablet of 425 mg magnesium with one ounce of grape juice i n the evening to promote a good night's rest releasing the body's own natural form of tryptophan. Magnesium is found is potato skins and chocolate, deep dark chocolate. I found after my liver resection surgery, an irresistible urge to eat dark unsweetened bitter chocolate. I found out that my body magnesium was low. It was corrected by other means and the chocolate craving left.
4. Calcium - If prescribed calcium, If I am prescribed calcium, I take this late in the evening as it really makes me sleepy. I take calcium with vitamin D. Long walks in the sunshine can provide daily Vitamin D. For those of us who cannot takes walks in sunshine, 2 ounces of skim milk is one food source for Vitamin D. As kidneys start to fail, then a prescription Vitamin D is given to help to balance the parathyroid hormone and the calcium absorption. Calcium citrate is a gentle alkalizer. A few have made lemon egg from time to time. Take an egg. Wash it well and place it in a cup. Cover it with the juice from a freshly squeezed lemon. Let it soak overnight. Take a tablespoon of the lemon juice once over the next three days. Then toss it and start fresh.
5. Iron - I have read that if antacids or calcium carbonate (mylanta or tums) is taken at the same time as iron, this will cause almost half of the iron to be evacuated in the gut. Ferrous salts need an acidic pH of the stomach to aid its absorption. This can be accomplished by taking it with an all natural rose hips Vitamin C. Another form of iron called Floradix has been used by individuals who are troubled with constipation from taking iron. This form of liquid iron with herbs does not cause constipation. Take this when prescribed.
6. Minerals - There seems to be a ratio between calcium, magnesium, and boron coupled with a normal level of parathyroid hormone. As the parathyroid rises as the kidneys decline, this causes a leeching of calcium out of the bones and a laying down of calcium inside vessel walls. Eating a variety of foods in a ratio of 6 parts potassium to 1 part sodium creates a healthier body.This alkaline diet instituted early is beneficial for individuals with PKD. Produce grown organically is higher in potassium and selenium, and lower in sodium. Calcium needs Vitamin D for its absorption. Walks in the sunshine is not sufficient once kidneys begin to fail. External supplements of Vitamin D need to be taken. A study found that certain types of vitamin D are more beneficial for calcium absorption than others. Sometimes we are at a stage with cystic organ disease where our phosphorus and potassium become elevated. Calcium citrate or other phosphorus binders help to balance this process. If we can begin to eliminate high phosphorus foods and animal proteins this is best for us with kidney and liver disease. It also is another path toward alkalinity.


1. Folic acid - once a week
2. Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, folic acid - taken twice daily am and noon (Under the tongue)
3. Sepia - Homeopathic medicine prescribed especially for me once a month
4. Vitamin E - all natural as needed should I awaken at night with leg cramps.
5. Vitamin C - with rose hips as needed and to activate iron when prescribed.
6. One recent lab value showed prolonged bleeding time. This is sometimes from a deficiency in Vitamin K. I am eating foods high in Vitamin K to see if I can bring this value back to normal.


1. Saffron tea
2. Milk Thistle plus
3. Lemon juice
4. Turmeric
5. DIMs - Broccoli sprouts
6. Thyme - tea helps the liver and pancreas and maintains a balance of bacterial overgrowth.
7. Liver lists - for more information on useful things for the liver.
8. Herbs - try this page.
9. Chamomile tea for pain relief if I have no lemons or saffron.

Liver Herbs – organic milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke, & saffron

There are a few liver herbs that I have tried and found helpful. I use organic milk thistle plus (milk thistle, turmeric, and artichoke). I took three tablets 3 times a day. I also take saffron infusion whenever I have a liver ache and this relieves it immediately. I take 1/4 teaspoon of organic saffron in a cup of water and allow it to simmer on the stove until a half cup of liquid remains. I then strain it and sip it. This costly herb is available through vanilla saffron imports for $35 for huge tin.

Intensive research into the liver-protecting (hepatoprotectant) properties of milk thistle and the responsible components, the mechanism of action began in earnest 30 years ago. University of Munich H. wagner was successful in isolating a compound named silymarin. It is a mixture of different flavonolignans including silybinin, silydianin, and silychristin. Clinical trials in Europe, primarily Germany have shown the efficacy of silymarin in the treatment of metabolic liver damage, chronic hepatitis, and bile duct inflammation. Hepatoprotective effects have been demonstrated by accelerating normalization of impaired liver function. Accelerated improvement in serum levels of GOT, GPT, GT and bilirubin. I have noted that my metabolism of estrogen has returned to normal. For more information download this article and read about milk thistle, turmeric, artichokes and saffron.



Check with your doctor. Severe leg cramps, interestingly enough occur if I have not stretched my hamstring muscle. This is accomplished by stretching the heel of the foot first, placing it in dorsi-flexion. A towel or strap can be used to daily stretch the hamstring tendon.
What I do when I get a leg cramp that awakens me from a nice stretch:
Immediately I flex my foot and press outward down with the heel of my foot (not the ball of my foot, but the heel). I do this without touching the floor or mattress with the bottom of the foot. The foot is flexed and toes are pushed toward my head continuing to push downward with my heel. This relieves the cramp in the calf.
If I get a cramp in my toes, I just gently try to hold very still until it passes then sort of massage the toes open.
As soon as the cramp subsides I take vitamin E immediately then again nightly for the next 2-3 nights. Since I have been stretching my hamstrings, I no longer get Charley horses.
Dr. Walser from Johns Hopkins says he has observed this relationship. He does not say that correcting it fixes it. He said that both itching and leg cramps are linked with acidosis.

I have noticed another phenomenon. When my fingers cramp up there is a spontaneous bursting of the tiny blood vessels along the sides of my fingers. These swell, cramp and became painful. If I put counter pressure on the fingers, this helps some. I asked my vascular surgeon. I was told my body had a strong estrogen influence somewhere. I suppose it is my liver once again not adequately metabolizing estrogen like compounds.

top Octreotide Clinical Trials - somatostatin - liver cysts - potassium citrate - Polycystic kidney disease - kidney transplant - kidney disease - liver transplant - enlarged liver - pkd � pld � polycystic liver disease- PKDiet- rapamycin - tolvaptan -sirolimus - somatostatin -sandostatin LAR octreotide � TEMPO � HALT- CRISP-effexor- clinical trials - alkaline diet