

BENEFICIAL Lemon water is a wonderful alkalizing beverage, pain reliever, and with the addition of some tupelo honey it can become a cough suppressant. I use hot water, heating the water and squeezing fresh lemon juice into it. I have taken up to about 5 lemons in a day. Recent research has found that lemons contain naringenin a compound that may prevent cysts from expanding.

Try to make it a habit of drinking cups of hot lemon water daily. Here is a hot lemon recipe. I also put a lemon slice in perrier water, juice, and limes in pineapple juice. I do not count chamomile tea or herb tea into my daily water intake value.

The purpose is to drink more water not necessarily liquid. I take warm water and continually add freshly squeezed lemons to my hot water. I also add limes to tea, chamomile tea, but do not count this as a cup of water. I boil the water, heat the water but not the freshly squeezed lemon juice. I think it makes a difference. I have tried drinking cold water with lemons but much prefer hot water, even when it is hot. And here is a home made lemon egg recipe for calcium citrate.

For Your Reference–
Eggshell Membrane for Arthritis [152KB, PDF]
Another Lemon Egg Recipe
[143 KB PDF]


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last updated: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 5:14 PM